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主題: 七里山塘真的好棒!好美!好人情~真的好棒!好美!好風景!好人情~
來自: Vivian Chen,Burt Jean USA 於:2018/11/20 
內容: 謝謝劉老闆的溫馨接送,劉太太的傳統早餐使我們留下深刻的回憶~
His property is wonderfully peaceful, just a five minutes from the city.
There was impressive temple just a short walk from our villa.
For Saturday supper the Boss recommended a small, family operated, traditional Chinese restaurant and drove us back into town in two shifts. We could see the cook at work in the kitchen.
Sunday Morning we walked along a steep path to Tiger Head Hill. At the top we could look down on Puli.
On Sunday afternoon The Boss drove us to Chung Tai Chan, a Buddhist Monastery. One thousand monks live there. The monastery hosts spiritual events for as many as 20,000 people in one day. Many volunteers come ahead of time to prepare rice boxes to feed the people attending.
Definitely recommend to stay here!!
What amazing trip in Puli.
Take care~Thank You!!

主題: Re:七里山塘真的好棒!好美!好人情~真的好棒!好美!好風景!好人情~
來自: 莊主 於:2018/12/22
內容: 感謝您的肯定,給客人一個好的旅遊環境是我們應該做的,我們會更努力的,謝謝您!

回應主題: 七里山塘真的好棒!好美!好人情~真的好棒!好美!好風景!好人情~
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